The easing of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) rules in several regions in Indonesia has made a number of activities adjusted, including wedding receptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Several regions in Indonesia have started to allow the holding of wedding receptions by implementing the Adaptation of New Habits (AKB) or the so-called ‘New Normal’.
‘Marriage is something that must be rushed’
Not only the bride and groom are enthusiastic about being allowed to hold a wedding party, but also business people who are engaged in the field of ‘wedding organizers’.
Retania Primasari, owner of Nayyara Wedding who lives in Cirebon, West Java, said she was relieved by the policy that adjusted the IMR phase.
“For the past four months our revenue [of entrepreneurs and vendors] has been absolutely zero,” Retania told pragmaticcasino.
He considered that the establishment of a clear health protocol, as a condition for organizing a wedding, was the right middle ground for all parties, both for the bride and groom and the wedding business people.
“If it’s just a normal gathering event, maybe it can still be postponed, but marriage, regardless of religion, is something that must be rushed,” said Reta.

Before the easing, Reta had time to make a wedding package #AkadAjaDulu to facilitate the bride-to-be who still want to get married despite the limitations.
Another option is a virtual wedding package that uses advanced multi-platform digital technology, although according to him the demand is still low because the cost is not cheap.
To meet the needs of prospective brides who want to get married in the ‘new normal’ era, Reta who is also part of the Indonesian Wedding Organizer Association (GPPPI) runs a wedding simulation with health protocols.
Minimal contact to reduce the risk of infected
According to Reta, the wedding simulation was carried out with the aim of educating all parties, from vendors, brides-to-be and their families, as well as the public in general, about the new rules that must be followed when organizing and attending wedding receptions.
Reta explained, everyone who was present during the wedding was required to wear a mask. The organizers also provided ‘hand sanitizer’ and set the distance for those in attendance.
“The number of people in the building can only be 40 to a maximum of 50 percent of the building’s capacity. So if the capacity is 1,000 people, now it’s only allowed to be 500 people,” said Reta as the chief executive of this simulation.

He added, when entering the building, the guests were checked for body temperature.
If in the past the guests wrote or filled out the reception guest book themselves, now the receptionists write it down, so that stationery is not used interchangeably.
Alternatively, a ‘QR Code’ is provided as a substitute for filling out the guest book.
Not only that, an unusual sight will be seen by guests.
“Those on duty, including wedding organizers, catering staff, or musicians, must wear PPE, starting from gloves, masks, and face shields.”
As for the presentation of food dishes, although the system is still a buffet, now there are officers who pick up food.
“For food at the lodge, we recommend the kind that can be taken home, so that it is easier to put it in a box and then distribute it.”
Then one of the big things that sets it apart is that you can’t shake hands, let alone hug the bride and groom.
“There are no greetings, we only use Sundanese greetings that do not touch,” he said.
“The decorator and the person in charge of the venue must first spray the place and its decorations with disinfectant, as well as music and band equipment, must be wiped or sprayed with disinfectant, and the microphone must be covered,” he explained.
With a number of new rules that must be obeyed, Reta admits that there are additional costs that must be incurred by vendors to be able to comply.
According to him, catering or food service providers are the most affected among other vendors.
“Because they usually only need one or two people to supervise and fill the food that runs out, now each food must have an attendant.”
This means that more expenses are needed to pay the wages of additional catering workers, he explained.
“It’s not just the cost of buying hand sanitizer and PPE. So for catering, like it or not, the price also goes up,” said Reta.
Read also: The Best Wedding Organizer in Bali for Your Wedding.